Varieties of personal experience. Unamuno, Life 1.9
Philosophy for Unamuno is more about how than what . Kant and Butler share many things, physical and metaphysical, but they are not the same person. They navigate differently, and that is what matters most to Unamuno. He does not say that one must be wrong or the other right, or that the primary point of comparing them is to chart the best universal map of the metaphysical worlds they explored (as though these were static rather than dynamic). Each offers notes from a different journey, notes whose signal value to us depends upon our own journey. How do we travel through life? You can hear this passage < here >. Otro hombre, el hombre José Butler, obispo anglicano, qué vivió a principios del siglo XVIII, y de quien dice el cardenal católico Newman que es el hombre más grande de la Iglesia anglicana, al foral del capítulo primero de su gran obra sobre la analogía de la religión ( The Analogy of Religion ), capítulo que trata de la vida futura, escribió estas pequeñas pa...