
Showing posts from October, 2023

Bad masters. Seneca, Epistles 5.47.5-9

Seneca continues describing Roman slavery, disapproving the haughty attitude that makes many masters keep distance from their slaves. Ironically, the distance is often more metaphorical than literal: the bad masters will share intimate space with servants, but they refuse to acknowledge the humanity of their servants in that space. If master and slave are together at table, then they must not be dining as equals. One is there to serve, the other to be served. This won't do, for Seneca. The outcome is a game of resentment, in which bad fortune is weaponized by master and slave alike, with each acting to harm rather than help the other. Alia interim crudelia, inhumana praetereo, quod ne tamquam hominibus quidem sed tamquam iumentis abutimur. Quod cum ad cenandum discubuimus, alius sputa deterget, alius reliquias temulentorum subditus colligit. Alius pretiosas aves scindit; per pectus et clunes certis ductibus circumferens eruditam manum frusta excutit, infelix, qui huic uni rei vivit...