God is all awareness, self-aware. Unamuno, Life 7.24

The consciousness of God, for Unamuno, includes the individual consciousness of every single living being. It has memory of each being that has existed, ever, and so keeps their individuality alive beyond the ravages of time. It is also a personal consciousness, he believes, not the impersonal Soul or soul-stuff imagined by some ancient pagans (like Marcus Aurelius, who believes in the conservation of soul as part of matter, but not the conservation of individuals as coherent beings).

Hay quien vive del aire sin conocerlo. Y así vivimos de Dios y en Dios acaso, en Dios espíritu y conciencia de la sociedad y del Universo todo, en cuanto éste también es sociedad.

Dios no es sentido sino en cuanto es vivido, y no sólo de pan vive el hombre, sino de toda palabra que sale de la boca de Él. (Mat. IV, 4; Deut. VIII, 3.)

Y esta personalización del todo, del Universo, a que nos lleva el amor, la compasión, es la de una persona que abarca y encierra en sí a las demás personas que la componen.

Es el único modo de dar al Universo finalidad dándole conciencia. Porque donde no hay conciencia no hay tampoco finalidad que supone un propósito. Y la fe en Dios no estriba, como veremos, sino en la necesidad vital de dar finalidad a la existencia, de hacer que responda a un propósito. No para comprender el por qué, sino para sentir y sustentar el para qué último, necesitamos a Dios, para dar sentido al Universo.

Y tampoco debe extrañar que se diga que esa conciencia del Universo esté compuesta e integrada por las conciencias de los seres que el Universo forman, por las conciencias de los seres todos, y sea, sin embargo, una conciencia personal distinta de las que la componen. Sólo así se comprende lo de que en Dios seamos, nos movamos y vivamos. Aquel gran visionario que fué Manuel Swedenborg, vió o entrevió esto cuando en su libro sobre el cielo y el infierno (De Coelo et Inferno, 52) nos dice que: «Una entera sociedad angélica aparece a las veces en forma de un solo ángel, como el Señor me ha permitido ver. Cuando el Señor mismo aparece en medio de los ángeles, no lo hace acompañado de una multitud, sino como un solo ser en forma angélica. De aquí que en la Palabra se le llama al Señor un ángel, y que así es llamada una sociedad entera. Miguel, Gabriel y Rafael no son sino sociedades angélicas así llamadas por las funciones que llenan».

There are people who take life in and from the air without being aware of it. This is how we live in God, where we find our spirit and social consciousness—an awareness of all the Universe, insofar as this too is association.

God is not felt save when he is lived, and it is not by bread alone that man lives, but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God (Matthew 4.4; Deuteronomy 8.3).

This personalization of the All, of the Universe, to which the love that is compassion brings us—it belongs to a personage who embraces and encloses in himself all the other persons whose association comprises universal society.

Giving the Universe consciousness is the only way to give it purpose. For where there is no awareness, there is no finality, no end whose recognition becomes purposeful. Faith in God, as we shall see, rests nowhere else but in the vital need to give existence purpose, to make it a response to some intention. Faith is not about understanding why?, but rather about feeling and maintaining our final answer to the question: for what? This is why we need God, to give this feeling & meaning to the Universe.

It should not be strange, then, when I tell you that this consciousness of the Universe is made and integrated by the consciousness of all the beings that form the Universe—that it is a sum of all the individual consciences of each and every being, without exception—and yet, it has its own personal conscience distinct from all that compose it. Only thus do we understand the holy saying, that we exist in God, moving and living and having our being in him. Emanuel Swedenborg (†), that great visionary, saw this, however dimly, as he tells us in his book on heaven and hell: “An entire society of angels appears sometimes in the form of just one, as the Lord has allowed me to see. When the Lord himself manifests in the midst of the angels, he is not accompanied by a multitude: just one being appears beside him in angelic form. Hence the Lord is called an angel in the holy Word, which indicates entire societies when it refers to angels. Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael are angelic societies whose names derive from the offices they fulfil” (On Heaven & Hell §52).

() Son of a Swedish professor of theology, Swedenborg (1688-1772) spent his youth and early adulthood studying natural science and engineering, with some notable success in anatomy and physiology. At the age of 53, he experienced a vision after which he devoted himself to publishing tracts outlining a unique, mystical approach to Christian theology that favored the Pietist approach to Lutheranism, denounced by orthodox Lutherans as heresy.