What is awareness? Unamuno, Life. 7.9

For Unamuno, the most basic human awareness conceivable is a perception of death, and of pain. Love is what we feel as we notice other beings seeing their death, feeling their pain, and liken them unto us, who also see our death, and feel its pain.

Si miras al universo lo más cerca y lo más dentro que puedes mirarlo, que es en ti mismo; si sientes y no ya sólo contemplas las cosas todas en tu conciencia, donde todas ellas han dejado su dolorosa huella, llegarás al hondón del tedio, no ya de la vida, sino de algo más: al tedio de la existencia, al pozo del vanidad de vanidades. Y así es como llegarás a compadecerlo todo, al amor universal.

Para amarlo todo, para compadecerlo todo, humano y extrahumano, viviente y no viviente, es menester que lo sientas todo dentro de ti mismo, que lo personalices todo. Porque el amor personaliza todo cuanto ama, todo cuanto compadece. Sólo compadecemos, es decir, amamos, lo que nos es semejante y en cuanto nos lo es, y tanto más cuanto más se nos asemeja, y así crece nuestra compasión, y con ella nuestro amor a las cosas a medida que descubrimos las semejanzas que con nosotros tienen. O más bien es el amor mismo, que de suyo tiende a crecer, el que nos revela las semejanzas esas. Si llego a compadecer y amar a la pobre estrella que desaparecerá del cielo un día, es porque el amor, la compasión, me hace sentir en ella una conciencia, más o menos oscura, que la hace sufrir por no ser más que estrella, y por tener que dejarlo de ser un día. Pues toda conciencia lo es de muerte y de dolor.

Conciencia, conscientia, es conocimiento participado, es con-sentimiento, y con-sentir es com-padecer.

The nearest and most intimate place to find the universe is within your own self. If you look for it there, if you go beyond contemplating all the things in your consciousness to the point of sensing them, allowing yourself to feel the painful impressions they have left upon you, then you will arrive at the utmost bounds of boredom, not merely with life, but with anything beyond it. This is boredom with existence, a well of tedium from whose depths we draw the vanity of vanities. Sunk beneath its waves, you shall at last come to experience the suffering of all being that is love universal.

To love everything—to suffer and feel for everything human and not, alive and not—it is necessary that you should feel everything inside yourself, that you should personalize everything. For love personalizes all that it loves, every single thing that it feels for and conforms to. We only feel for things, or in other words love them, to the extent that they are like us. This feeling intensifies as the thing becomes more like us, our sympathy rising alongside our love as we discover likenesses it shares with us. Or perhaps it is love himself, growing in his own right, that reveals to us these likenesses. If I succeed in feeling for the poor star that shall vanish from heaven one day, if I manage to love it, this is because love, or compassion, makes me sense some consciousness or awareness dwelling in the star, however vague or shadowy. I feel the star's awareness, the burden it must suffer for being no more than a star, and the pain of having to abandon this being one day. For all consciousness is awareness of death and of pain.

Consciousness, Latin conscientia, is knowledge shared: fellow feeling that when shared with another becomes fellow suffering, compassion.