Pieces of the Whole. Marcus Aurelius 4.14

Life is a journey back to Nature, our father and mother, with reasons beyond ours. Our reason is just a little piece of the great reason of the universe, a small echo of the cosmic Word.

Ἐνυπέστης ὡς μέρος. ἐναφανισθήσῃ τῷ γεννήσαντι· μᾶλλον δὲ ἀναληφθήσῃ εἰς τὸν λόγον αὐτοῦ τὸν σπερματικὸν κατὰ μεταβολήν.

You have existed heretofore only in part, a piece cut from the whole that produced you. But you will return to that whole eventually, disappearing into it. In other words: you will be absorbed by the cosmic reason that sows itself throughout the universe with every change.