Mysteries unutterable. Unamuno, Life 3.11

Life includes things that elude explanation, always. Every frame of reference we can bring to bear as humans will hide something from us, and that something might eventually appear dreadfully important. The ultimate reasons for all things lie beyond our grasp as rational beings. Unamuno cannot speak or hear any sensible speech about the beginning of beginning, the end of end, or the reason for reason.

Y ¿quién eres tú?, me preguntas, y con Obermann te contesto: ¡para el universo nada, para mí todo! ¿Orgullo? ¿Orgullo querer ser inmortal? ¡Pobres hombres! Trágico hado, sin duda, el de tener que cimentar en la movediza y deleznable piedra del deseo de inmortalidad la afirmación de ésta; pero torpeza grande condenar el anhelo por creer probado, sin probarlo, que no sea conseguidero. ¿Que sueño...? Dejadme soñar, si ese sueño es mi vida, no me despertéis de él. Creo en el inmortal origen de este anhelo de inmortalidad, que es la sustancia misma de mi alma. ¿Pero de veras creo en ello...? ¿Y para qué quieres ser inmortal?, me preguntas, ¿para qué? No entiendo la pregunta francamente, porque es preguntar la razón de la razón, el fin del fin, el principio del principio.

Pero de estas cosas no se puede hablar.

"Who are you, then?" you ask me, and I answer you with Obermann: "To the universe, I am nothing; to myself, everything!" Is this pride? Is it pride to wish for immortality? Poor humans! Ours is a tragic fate, without doubt: having to found our affirmation of immortality upon the shifting and unstable stone that is our desire for it. But it would be excessively lazy to condemn this desire hastily, untried, believing without proof that it is unattainable. Am I dreaming? Let me dream! If this dream is my life, do not wake me from it. I believe in the immortal origin of this our desire for immortality, which is the very substance of my soul. But do I really believe in it? "Why do you want to be immortal?" you ask me. "What for?" I do not understand the question, to be frank, for it seeks after the reason for reason, the purpose of purpose, the beginning of beginning.

About these things we cannot speak.